Corian - Adelaide's #1 Solid Surface Material / by Samuel Pons

Corian has made a big splash into the construction industry and the waves from that splash continue to influence the industry every day. But Corian is still new to the scene – compared to granite benchtops, Corian is the baby benchtop of the bunch. So, what is so special about Corian? Is it truly the safe, versatile, and cost-effective alternative it claims to be? Surely products with decades of purchases and craftmanship knowledge behind them should far exceed the new kid on the block, yet Corian continues to outshine many of its competitors in one of the most cutthroat industries in the country. Well, let’s compare:


Corian VS Stone - Safety

First and foremost is safety which, in this case, can be split into two categories: worker safety and user safety.

Worker Safety

In the developed construction world, the demand for bespoke solid surface benchtops has significantly increased, giving rise to a variety of companies in the business of fabricating these products. With lead times becoming lower and quality expectations more demanding, the time to consider employee health is easy to forget about, an issue that has landed us directly in the middle of the Silicosis Crisis. Silicosis is a disease associated with the inhalation of silica, often produced when stone products such as granite or sandstone are cut to form benchtops. Safe Work Australia shared the following statistics:

With the considerable rise of demand for traditional stone cut benchtops came the rise of Silicosis cases amongst tradies across Australia. Corian has been dubbed the “saving grace” for the benchtop industry – being fabricated using Bauxite and Acrylic there is no Silica present in Corian, making it the significantly better option when comparing worker safety.

User Safety

Anyone with a kitchen (so pretty much everyone) can tell you that the battle against mould and bacteria is never-ending and always troubling. Grout lines and joins on benchtops and kitchen counters are often a free-for-all for mould growth in and the porous nature of many products can make bacteria a permanent resident in said benchtops. Kitchens are only the tip of the iceberg though: hospitals and labs are the hardest hit by the effects of bacteria and require constant and detailed cleaning. Again, Corian saves the day. With a non-porous and completely seamless surface, even basic cleaning practices prevent bacteria and mould growth on Corian products. Tests were even conducted to determine how easily Corian could be cleaned when contaminated with nuclear medical products, with findings showing simple abrasive pads returning surfaces to an unrestricted level.

So when it comes to public health and safety, it is clear to see why Corian has been so often selected as the product of choice for benchtops in a range of environments.

Corian VS Stone - Versatility

Perhaps unsurprisingly, most solid surface materials are pretty, well…solid. Most stone products can be cut into any desired shape, but they cannot be bent or manipulated in any other way, making innovative designs often incredibly expensive to achieve. This is where Corian truly shines as a material. Unlike most solid surface materials, Corian can be bent and shaped through a process called thermoforming, allowing for bends, curves, and entire reshaping of Corian surfaces. The most common use for thermoforming is to curve a benchtop or splashback around a column or pillar, but more daring architects have brought about a new wave of inspired designs to the industry.

Thermoformed Corian used in the 2010 Winter Olympics

Thermoformed Corian used in the 2010 Winter Olympics

The culmination of user health and versatility can be seen in the example provided by the Sanfine Hospital in Beijing, China. The implementation of Corian to the walls, ceiling, and almost everything else in this patient room shows just how versatile the product can be, while still serving a key purpose to health and safety.

Sanfine Hospital in Beijing, China. Corian used on nearly every surface, as shown in CASF’s article.

Sanfine Hospital in Beijing, China. Corian used on nearly every surface, as shown in CASF’s article.

Corian VS Stone - Cost Effectiveness

The final hurdle for solid surface products is always the bottom line which, more often than not, breaks the budget on an entire project. With bespoke and innovative solid surface products becoming the trend, the demand for a quality touch is on the rise and with it comes the costly impacts of designer craft. With prices for cut stone of all varieties increasing steadily, the comparatively simple to produce and fabricate solid surface powerhouse of Corian takes the day again. With sheet prices being up to four times cheaper than a slab of stone, a project can incorporate more solid surface elements for the same price, while continuing to maintain an atmosphere of quality and care.

In a world where solid surface materials are being exclusively used to construct hospital rooms, a cost-effective product is more important than ever. Corian is the inexpensive and efficient method of achieving a clean and quality look without sacrificing any structural effectiveness.


So what does all this mean? Well all solid surface products are tried and tested and make up the backbone of this industry. From kitchen benchtops to huge outdoor displays of architectural genius, stone and its craft are a revolutionary masterpiece. We at Interiors SA did our research and know for a fact that Corian is the go-to product for the future and that future is what we are always looking towards and aiming for. So click below for a quote on your next project or a sample of any Joinery or Corian product.